GrapeHeartKnits was chartered in the spring of 2010 when I needed an outlet for my knitting. I love to give back to the community. Pay it forward is not just a quip but a basic tenet in my life. For 9
months I knitted alone, determined to create a valuable resource for
those in need in Napa.
Finally with the VO.I.C.E.S. Christmas gift Hat & Scarf set project, two of my neighbors joined in the fun. They knit scarves and I created a hat to match. Now Bonnie is creating hats and scarves with me. Our third intrepid knitter (who wishes to remain anonymous) is happy knitting scarves. This is good as we always need scarves for our ongoing project with the Napa Police Department.
2012 was a very bountiful year for us. We made our local goals and some far from home. Some children of Nepal received fur brim hats and 216 pieces of knit/crochet went to the Long Island Volunteer Resource Center to be distributed to the Super Storm Sandy survivors.
We've found that we are most effective when attending to the needs of those who might otherwise be forgotten. Napa has such a giving community that we knit only with donated yarns and all the bits n' pieces count. We and those who receive a knitted gift sincerely appreciate it. To all who have donated.... THANK YOU.
Napa Valley CanDo
Darn. Knit. (Anyway)
Knitting Nuances
Expression Fiber Arts
Our Projects:
Long Island Volunteer Resource Center (Super Storm Sandy survivors)
NEWS (Napa Emergency Women's Shelter)
Foster Child Napa
Veterans Home Yountville
Knit for Kids
WWll Vets Museum
Salvation Army
Pathway Home
Travis AFB, DGMC
Veterans Home
Piners Nursing Home
Napa Winter Shelter
Tibet children, delivered by DAR Carol Cavagnaro
Live Violence Free
Glide Memorial Church
Foster Child Vallejo/Sleep Train
Birth Choice
Queen of the Valley Community Outreach
WWII Vets Museum
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Veterans Home Yountville
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Queen's Community Outreach
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Pathway Home
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Napa Emergency Women's Shelter (NEWS)
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Napa Winter Shelter
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Long Island Volunteer Resource Center
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Live Violence Free
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Knits for Kids
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Napa Foster Kids
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Pink Fire Engine 4 Cancer
We've hooked up with the Pink Fire Engine 4 Cancer organization.
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Veterans Home, Piner's
The Stitchin' Samaratins have joined our group with a wonderful donation of Lap Robes and baby blankets. We are very happy to have their talent and willing hands and hearts join the giving to our local folks in need. They've been at it for years already!
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Relay for Life
We have once again been privileged with donating to "Relay for Life". This year we are making Logo I-cords for team members and Ruffle "Peonies" for sale. You can see a display of the Poenies on the Yarns on First link as a Mother's Day display. The Poenies and other scarves are to be donated to the organization for sale.
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Teen Moms
Teen Moms of Napa were given a few perky caps for their infants.
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St. Vincent De Paul
Even St. Vincent De Paul benefits. We donated a few to the Christmas Baazar.
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COPE Family Services
COPE Family Services was the first organization to receive the Rainbow hats.
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Toys for Tots
Christmas time was hectic and when the Marines "Toys for Tots" program was running short, we added a bit of joy for youngsters.
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Born on the 4th of July 2010
This very special 4th of July, 2010, each baby born at Travis AFB , David Grant Hospital, received a Red, White and Blue cap saluting freedom in the USA.
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Travis AFB
Travis AFB, David Grant Hospital received hats for Cancer, Newborn and Neurosurgery units as well as Teddy's Kids, an area of care for children while the parents are in treatment or appointments.
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Napa Police Department
We began our ongoing project with the Napa Police Department in December 2010. Captain Steve Potter graciously accepted our offer to provide Hat & Scarf Sets to be carried in the NPD patrol cars for situations. We believe this project will aid in positive interface with the public.
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Relay for Life, July 2010
In July we donated to Relay for Life. Team Captain Steve sold the hats and supported a cancer foundation.
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Napa Valley College
Even our students on Financial Aid in Napa VAlley College enjoyed a Hat & Scarf. One student came in while I was delivering Hat & Scarf Sets and was interested in them. I asked if he had money and he looked dejected and said no. I told him in that case, you can have one. His face lit up with a smile as wide as the ocean. That made us happy.
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Rainbows for Those in Need
These are examples of the "Big 400". Each one different and unique. They are mulit-purpose:
1.Roll it all the way down for a little privacy.
2.Roll it up a little and you can tuck it beneath your collar for warmth.
3.Roll it all the way up for summer.
4.Take it off and roll it flat for a pillow.
5.Last and not least, unroll it all the way and carry your valuables in it like a sack.
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